About the Journal

The "REVISTA PRODUCTOS NATURALES" (ISSN 1916-2413) is an electronic publishing, of specialized scientific spreading of free access, that invites and publishes articles of fundamental and applied research with substantial contributions in science, technology, and industry of natural products from plant, animal or microbial origin, as much terrestrial as marine organisms. It is free Open Access Journal, edited on Open Journal System, located at Nozomi Science website, which was created as an academic nonprofit portal, with the mission of hosting open access electronic publications dedicated to the divulgation of results from scientific research, technological developments and innovations in knowledge areas related to natural products.

Aims and Scope

"Revista Productos Naturales" aims to publish high-quality research articles, reviews, and short communications in the field of natural products. The journal covers a wide range of topics including the discovery, characterization, and biological evaluation of natural products, as well as their synthesis and applications. The scope of the journal includes but is not limited to:

  • Phytochemistry
  • Pharmacognosy
  • Ethnopharmacology
  • Natural product chemistry
  • Biotechnology of natural products
  • Biological activities of natural products

The publication pretends to close the links between the scientific research performed at centers of academic formation and the technological and industrial development appropriated by the productive chains. This integration will include from the plant species suppliers, microorganisms or animals as row materials to the manufacturers of pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, cosmetic and agrochemical products, as well as the designers of equipments and machineries for the industries based on biodiversity.

The contributions can be typified in some of the following greater categories related to the specialized metabolites:

a) Analytical methods, methods of bioassay, quality control and quality assurance.

b) Ethnobotany, ethnopharmacology and ethnoveterinary c) Chemotaxonomy d) Phytohemistry, Pharmacognosy and Medicinal Chemistry

e) Ecological chemistry and allelopathy

f) Pharmaceutical, cosmetic, nutraceutical and agrochemical products based on biodiversity

g) Biosynthesis, biotechnology and molecular Biology

h) Chemistry and biochemistry combined with biological, sensorial, nutritional and toxicological evaluations.

i) Physical and chemical changes induced by the processing or storage

j) Security and Toxicology

k) Metabolomics

When new compounds are reported, it is preferred that the manuscripts also describe their biological activity.

The "REVISTA PRODUCTOS NATURALES" (ISSN 1916-2413) invites to submit your manuscripts via our online system at any time. Once the manuscripts are reviewed by academic peers and accepted, they are published in the current issue. Revista Productos Naturales routinely screens article submissions for plagiarism, including the use of Ithenticate."

Revista Productos Naturales (ISSN 1916-2413) Peer Review Policy

  1. Editorial Review
    All submitted manuscripts undergo an initial editorial review to ensure they meet the journal's standards and scope.
  2. Peer Review
    Manuscripts that pass the editorial review are subjected to a rigorous peer review process.
  3. Anonymous Peer Review
    The journal employs an anonymous peer review system, where the identities of both the reviewers and the authors are kept confidential to ensure impartiality.
  4. Double Anonymous Peer Review
    In some cases, a double anonymous peer review process is used, where neither the reviewers nor the authors know each other's identities.

Conflict of Interest

Authors must disclose any financial or personal relationships that could influence their work. This includes employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, paid expert testimony, patent applications/registrations, and grants or other funding. All conflicts of interest must be declared at the time of submission.

Human and Animal Rights

Research involving human subjects must comply with the Declaration of Helsinki and be approved by an appropriate ethics committee. Informed consent must be obtained from all participants. For animal studies, authors must follow institutional and national guidelines for the care and use of laboratory animals and obtain approval from the relevant ethics committee.

Informed Consent

Authors must ensure that informed consent was obtained from all human participants in their research. This includes consent for publication of any identifying information or images. Authors should also ensure that the privacy rights of human subjects are always observed.