POP-9 Antifungal and allelopathic activity of Miconia spp. (Melastomataceae)


  • Erika Mayerly CELIS CELIS Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Medellín
  • Tatiana LOBO-ECHEVERRI Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Medellín




Biofungicide, bioherbicide, allelopathy, natural products


The extensive application of synthetic agrochemicals deteriorates natural ecosystems, threatens human health and food safety1. The use of compounds, extracts or formulations derived from bioactive plants, constitutes a strategy with potential to decrease the dependency to synthetic products2...


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How to Cite

POP-9 Antifungal and allelopathic activity of Miconia spp. (Melastomataceae). (2022). Revista Productos Naturales, 5(2), 44-45. https://doi.org/10.3407/rpn.v5i2.6867